This post has been dedicated to my Discord friend Kytros
Every student does the same thing, during the exams we want to do lots of things. We plan them, we think them but as soon as it ends we end up doing none of them. I’m also no exception (still haven’t finished mangas I’ve bought at the finals week). Although I hate it, I’ve done nothing for a few days and I’ve ended up bored. I’ve decided to watch some stuff and while I was looking to my external hdd, I’ve seen an anime that I’ve downloaded 6 months ago but not even started yet. Now I’m glad that I have finished it because it’s one of the best anime of 2021, and personally it’s one of the best anime I’ve ever watched. It is the, Vivy -Fluorite Eye’s Song-
Of course we first have to begin by trying to explain what happens in this anime without spoilers before we should put the reasons why you should watch it.
In the future AI starts a war against humanity. A professor, in a hope to save humanity, starts the only way to save the humanity: Project Singularity. During this project, the responsibility of the rewriting the future is on the shoulders of the first autonomous AI ever, Vivy. With the help of the trusty AI Sakamoto, Vivy rewrites the history.

Why you should watch this anime?
First things first, musics are great in this anime. Although it’s tagged as 78% musical in Anilist, musical parts in this anime aren’t like musicals we see in the west so you don’t have to worry about that. Transitions are great and you don’t get choked up with the music because random things doesn’t trigger 4 minute musical sequences with stupid dances. Musics are more on relaxing side. Honestly, they aren’t exactly my type but somehow I find myself listening them over and over. You can find them below.

Secondly, the big quest in this anime is great. Sure, it’s one of the classic subjects of the science-fiction, rewriting the history. But every single time, we wonder what’s new can added or whether it can be pulled off differently. Well, I’m glad to say that in Vivy producers was able to pull it off in a context that actually makes you wonder. Divergence points aren’t too far off the subject, they are well thought. Every single one of them is either something that causes humans to develop AI more or something that you would never expect from an AI but due to their self-advancement they accomplish that thing. In my opinion, you should at least watch and see the way they handled that classic subject.
Third thing is, action is well balanced. It is neither rushed and compressed nor too long to bore. Every divergence point, except the first one, is divided into 2 episodes and I think that’s a good balance. Also this anime pulls lots of plot twists and it pulls them well. It is like you’re looking to one side of coin at every episode. At first, you see the main problem then you see the unexpected complication and solution at the second episode. This is something that not applied that well in the anime I’ve seen so far. Even for that, you might want to look into this anime.
Finally, pace and duration of this anime is in the sweet spot. It is neither too fast nor too slow. It is where it should be, you would want to finish it as short as possible but not because you’re bored or something, you would want to finish it as short as possible because you’ll wonder what would happen next. Also it’s 12 episodes so, if you’re short on time or not ready yet for a longer anime this anime is definitely for you.
Who shouldn’t watch this anime
If you,
- don’t like sci-fi
- expect yuri,
- are a girl (from my experience they usually like shounens with primarily male casts and yaoi stuff, that’s probably gotta have something with the libido, psychology and other stuff but idk I’m not Freud)
then you shouldn’t watch this anime.
Final verdict
Vivy -Fluorite Eye’s Song- is one of the best anime of the 2021 with the amount of things it gets right for sure. It’s well balanced action, pace, wholesome characters and the way it handles a classic sci-fi subject differently and very well for an anime is what makes this title important and unique. Due to these reasons, you should watch this anime.
Vivy -Fluorite Eye’s Song-
My Rating: 9/10
| | official website
What does doing something from bottom of your heart mean for you?

A great article as i expected from my beloved naksay.
What an elegant lad. Thank you Mister; I, for sure, enjoyed every second reading this lovely post.